Sponsorship Information
Financial (Booth Space / Program Advertising) & Door Prizes
Shipwrecks was never designed to be a profit maker or to support the club in any way and in fact any profits that we have made have found their way back into the dive community. One of the largest beneficiaries has been the Lake Erie Mooring Project. We have also made significant donations such as the Canadiana Monument in Crystal Beach, replica plaque to replace the one stolen from the Munson in Kingston, the Tobermory Maritime Association for their Niagara ll project and for the annual support of organizations such as Save Ontario Shipwrecks, New York State Divers Association, and Divers Alert Network. We have even been known to donate tickets and clothing back to dive shops and other dive clubs for Christmas parties etc.
Any support that you can offer our 2016 program would be greatly appreciated.
For Shipwrecks/2016 we have three levels of financial sponsorship, each with their own benefits.

Display Booth / Gold Sponsor - $550.00
- Display Booth – Ten foot booth in main hallway (display only, no retail transactions).
- 2 Tickets to Shipwrecks Symposium.
- 2 Invitations to the private dinner party with the speakers, on Saturday evening.
- A full-page color ad in our program.
- Full page ad on Door prizes slide show.
- Full page ad on the 5 minute “countdown” presentation.
- Post event listing on the Niagara Diver’s Shipwrecks Symposium web site.
Program Advertising
Silver Sponsor - $400.00
- A full-page color ad in our program. Limited to three sponsors (back cover, inside front cover and inside back cover).
- Full page ad on Door prizes slide show.
- Full page ad on the 5 minute “countdown” presentation.
- Post event listing on the Niagara Diver’s Shipwrecks Symposium web site.
Bronze Sponsor - $200.00
- A half-page color ad in our program.
- Full page ad on Door prizes slide show.
- Post event listing on the Niagara Diver’s Shipwrecks Symposium web site.
Door Prize Sponsorship

- Each attendee is given a door prize ticket with admission. No tickets are sold and no monies are made on the drawings.
- On the day of the show, we run a power point slide show prior to starting and during breaks. These slides show the donor’s logo as well as photos of the prizes. The draw is held during the lunch break, winners' names are added to the power point slide show and prizes handed out during the afternoon break.
- Sponsor Logo included in our program.
- Post event listing on the Niagara Diver’s Shipwrecks Symposium web site.
For more information on sponsorship please contact Durrell:
durrell@niagaradivers.com 416-931-1022