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M E E T I N G S |
Our Club meets the first Tuesday of each month ( check dates below) at 7:30 PM. These meetings include guest speakers, slide and video presentations, and educational programs, in addition to regular club business.
Due to Covid 19, most of our 2020 meetings were held by Zoom. For the forseable future our 2021 meetings will also be via Zoom. When possible we will move back to our regular location in St Catharines, Ontario.
Meetings are open to all for both the business and presentation portions of the meeting.
For our December 7, 2021 meeting Roger Roth will be our guest speaker. The topic will be "Kevin & Michelle Explore Papua New Guinea".
NOTE: As the December presentation is oriented towards children, the presentation will start early (7:00 PM) and before the business meeting.
Roger Roth
Roger Roth - Underwater filmmaker; founder & director of the international, non-profit Underwater Images Photo/Video Competition. www.uwimages.org which has donated over $90,000 to marine conservation and scholarship purposes.
Roger Roth is a former science teacher and has been diving and filming underwater since 1988. He's earned nine international gold medals for underwater video production and has authored dozens of educational videos for schools and educational outreach programs around the world.
A partial client list for Roger includes the Discovery Channel, the U.S. Navy, the Nature Conservancy, Save the Manatee Club, Aggressor Fleet, Ltd., MV FeBrina and Walindi Plantation in PNG, Loloata and Tufi Dive Resorts in PNG, Peter Hughes’ Star Dancer, Kasawari-Lembeh and Cocotinos
Dive Resort in N. Sulawesi, Indonesia, MY/Aeolus in the Red Sea, Jean-Michel Cousteau and the Ocean Futures Foundation.
Kevin & Michelle Explore Papua New Guinea
Kevin the Underwater Adventurer and his sister,Michelle-Scuba Diver (® Safari Ltd.) go diving in PapuaNew Guinea with their Grandfather, underwaterfilmmaker, Roger Roth. After flying from Cincinnati, OHto Los Angeles, CA, the trio fly to Sydney, Australia thento Port Moresby, which is the capital of Papua NewGuinea. From there, they take a small plane to New
Britain Island where they dive with land-based diveoperations at Tufi Dive Resort and Walindi Plantation.
Since they all have masks and regulators that allowthem to talk to each other underwater, the kids learnabout dozens of marine creatures from simple identifications to some of theirnatural behaviors. As they swim around the reefs and walls of PNG, they encounter many species of Sweetlips and even see the incredible differencebetween juvenile and adult fishes. They watch as a white tip reef shark passesnearby then study a colorful Mantis shrimp as it sits in its burrow.
While muck diving looking for small marine creatures, they learn about the differences between pipehorses and pipefish, both of which are related to thewell-known seahorses. As much as the kids enjoy watching the sea life, theyrealize that a Seaperch and even a Cuttlefish are just as curious about them.
Learning the differences between several species of Anemonefish becomesjust as interesting as learning about the different types of the host Anemones.The kids learn how pipe organ corals capture plankton for food and watch asfeather duster worms emerge from their tubes to also feed on plankton.
A land tour begins with riding on an outrigger canoe with the natives on aFjord through the jungle which leads to lessons on native territoriality, hospitality,and natural medicines used for generations by Papua New Guinean people.
Title: Niagara Divers - December Club Meeting Location: Zoom link. Please contact Durrell for zoom info <dmartin@ctmmedia.com> When: December 7, 2021 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Organizer: Durrell Martin <dmartin@ctmmedia.com> As our September zoom meeting was hacked, we are no longer posting the direct zoom link or meeting ID and password on the web site. Please email Durrell for the zoom information before the meeting date, <dmartin@ctmmedia.com>
2021 Meeting Dates
January 5 February 2