The NDA has one of the most active dive schedules of any club in the
province. We typically do 10 to 12 club dive trips a year. Most
our members are very active, so getting out diving is never a problem,
with many members doing 100+ dives a year. Club owned safety
such as drop tanks and DAN O2 kit are taken on Club dives and are
for members' use when it doesn't conflict with Club functions. We
a number of social functions including summer picnic, mini golf,
party, Christmas brunch, film nights, and trips to such things as Imax
Museum tours (Titanic). Trips to dive shows (Port Huron, Detroit,
Oswego, Ohio Bay Area) have also been done in the past. Even summer
boat cruises and jet boat rides have been planned as club
The NDA is also involved in a number of community events. As an example, our booth at the Can-Am event in Port Colborne was set up as strictly an information booth to promote diving in the area and support the local Marine Museum. It was the NDA's involvement with the City of Port Colborne to organize the Archeology course and C.B. Benson survey which kept the wreck open to the public (the Province had intended to restrict it). We also support the Lake Erie Mooring Project and were very involved in fighting Bill 13 (Divers 1, Government 0). We allotted $300.00 to make a replica plaque to replace the one stolen from the Munson's generator in Kingston a couple of years ago.
The NDA also supports and holds memberships in other diving organizations such as Preserve Our Wrecks (Kingston), the Tobermory Maritime Association, the Divers Alert Network, New York State Divers Association and Save Ontario Shipwrecks (SOS).
We hold meetings the first Tuesday of every month (7:30 PM ) except July and August (see meetings page for dates).These meetings are open to the public, and we try to include a guest speaker or some sort of diving-related presentation. Speakers in the past have included a Conservationist, Police divers, Instructors from Seneca College (commercial diving), scientists from Aquatic Sciences, representatives from dive equipment or camera (Sea&Sea/Sherwood) manufacturers and a number of individuals such as Dr. Steve Brooks (expert on Empress of Ireland) who have information to share.
Our annual Shipwrecks Symposium is now in its 29th year and we again anticipate attendance to be in the 475-500 range.
The NDA web site hosts a great deal of information, not only on the
club, but on area diving, mooring project, New York's sturgeon program
and of course the Shipwreck Symposium. It has a members' only section
includes such things as membership list, important club forms &
pictures and current and back issues of our newsletter. Our members mail group allows for quick contact between members as well as automatic reminders of club events , meetings, dives etc.
Below are a number of documents which pertain to club membership. If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact our Membership Director
Due to the increasing expense of our insurance policies, it has been decided by both the Executive and Members that the club will be joining the Ontario Underwater Council in able to access their insurance. This is a group policy covering all OUC member clubs at a more reasonable rate with increased benefits over which we currently have.
One of the requirements of becoming an OUC member club is that all club members must join the OUC. To move forward, the NDA over the next few months must change our membership pricing, Constitution, Policies & Procedures and Rules and Regulations to align with the Ontario Underwater Councils. Our current insurance expires May 25, 2025 so this must all be completed by that time.
Currently we are offering membership at $60.00 per person which will include NDA Membership, OUC Membership and Insurance. As all OUC Memberships ate Individual, Family, Associate and Honorary Memberships are discontinued. The current On-line membership form is still in use but all members will have to complete the new forms when they become available (prior to May 25, 2025.
You may join the NDA by either using our On-Line Application Form and pay using your PayPal account or any major credit card, or by printing our PDF Application Form and mailing along with a cheque to our P.O. Box address.
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and Standing Rules
This page and all contents, are Copright © 2022 by Niagara Divers Assocation.Photo's are Copright © of the photographer.