Niagara Divers' Association (NDA)
was founded in 1988 and currently has about 50 members from
around the Niagara Region (Niagara Peninsula, Ontario, Canada). We have
one of the most ambitious dive schedules in Ontario. Just about
every weekend from Mid-May to the end of September, we're somewhere in
the Southern Great Lakes. We cater to all levels of divers, and are one
of the very few clubs that offers challenging diving to even the
most advanced of divers. From Novice to Trimix, we have
something for everyone. In the spring, we host our annual
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River - Lake Sturgeon Project
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1995 - 2024 |
The Niagara Divers’ Association annual one-day symposium, called Shipwrecks started in 1995 as a small local event hosted at the St Catharines Library. Over the last 30 years it has grown into a successful world-class event and has been attended by more than 14,000 Divers and Shipwreck Enthusiasts!
Each year we present a mix of new and returning speakers with primary multimedia presentations on Shipwrecks, Diving and Marine Archaeology. The show also has a number of short presentations designed to introduce new topics and speakers.
For the last 27 years, we have booked the same great location with padded theater-style seating, easy access, loads of free parking, and a great sound system. Plus added touches such as personal name tags, speaker displays and book signing.
After 30 years of hosting the Shipwrecks event, it is with regret that we must inform you there will be no show this spring. Unfortunately, low attendance since the COVID outbreak has prevented the event from covering its costs, and the NDA currently lacks the funds to continue.
We are deeply grateful for the incredible support over the years. Many individuals have been instrumental in the success of the show, especially Liz and Jim Grice, Ian and Barb Marshall, who were vital in the early years. Durrell Martin and Jennifer have also played a key role throughout its history. Additionally, all members of the NDA have contributed, with special thanks to Andy, Ian, and myself for our work on every show.
Thank you for your understanding.David Mekker
If you would like to see the history of our show, including all Presentors and their Presentations, please vlick the Shipwrecks 2024 logo above

Dive For a Cure
We regret that due to increased insurance costs and other logistical problems our Dive For a Cure event is on ia no longer being run.
The 5th annual NDA Dive for a Cure event was held
October 5, 2014 at the Welland Scuba Park. $10,700 was raised
thanks to all the registered divers, bubblewatchers, volunteers and
The first four years raised $7500, $8500, $9000 and $10,000 respectively,
which we donated to the Canadian Cancer Society through registrations,
donations, food sales, etc.
This brings our five year total to $45,700 !!